10 Midweek PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• Higher interest rates would help bring normality back to the banks (The Telegraph) see also Muni Rally Approaches Limit With 47-Year Low Yields (Bloomberg)
• Warren’s Way: Lunch with Warren Buffet  (The New Yorker)
Wall Street finds a foreign detour around U.S. derivatives rules (Reuters)
• Degree Inflation? Jobs That Newly Require B.A.’s (Economix) see also For MBAs, Wall Street Loses its Luster (Businessweek)
• Companies In Trouble and Paying Out Big Bonuses (WSJ)
• Social Security and its role in the nation’s debt (Washington Post) see also Tax Hit Looms on Mortgage Relief (WSJ)
• Your New TV Ruins Movies (Prolost)
• Republicans blaming Mitt Romney for losing the public are actually having an argument about their own party (The Economist) see also Does the GOP need a religious retreat? (Yahoo News)
• 2012: The Year in Photos, Part 1 of 3 (The Atlantic)
• Scientific consensus shifts public opinion on climate change (The Conversation) see also Polar ice sheets melting – in pictures (Guardian)

What are you reading?


Stocks volatile early in presidential cycle

Source: MarketWatch

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