10 Sunday AM Reads

My Sunday morning reads:

• Ben Bernanke’s Secret Message to Congress: More Stimulus, Please (The Atlantic)
• Why Robert Khuzami Would Be a Terrible Choice to Head the SEC  Given Read (naked capitalism) see also ‘Whale’ Capsized Banks’ Rule Effort (WSJ)
• Obama Eyes $108 Billion Annual Asia Prize Vying With China Trade (Bloomberg)
• History lesson: Why the Bush tax cuts were enacted (Washington Post) see also Zachary Karabell: The bright side of the fiscal cliff (Reuters)
Nassim Taleb: My rules for life (The Guardian)
• Federal Power to Intercept Messages Is Extended (NYT)
• Greenland and Antarctica ‘have lost four trillion tonnes of ice’ in 20 years (Guardian) see also 2012 Arctic Report Card (Climate Watch)
• IQ ‘a myth,’ study says (The Star)
• Clout Diminished, Tea Party Turns to Narrower Issues (NYT) see also Is Fox Even Helping the Republicans Anymore? (Huffington Post)
• 6 Simple Rituals To Reach Your Potential Every Day (Fast Company)

What are you doing this New Year’s Eve?


Chinese growth faces a more sober economy in 2013

Source: The Economist

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