10 Wednesday AM Reads

My morning reads:

• High-Frequency Trading Prospers at Expense of Everyone (Bloomberg)
• Alpha, Beta, and Now … Gamma (Morningstar) see also Don’t Mistake Investing Folklore for Personalized Advice (Bucks)
• Mr. Incompetent, the Economy Wrecker Alan Greenspan, Was Central to the Formation of the Campaign to Fix the Debt (CEPR)
• Distressed Bets Paying Off (WSJ) see also ‘Shadow’ Overhyped as Housing Threat (WSJ)
• Central Banks Can Phase in Nominal GDP Targets without Losing the Inflation Anchor (Jeff Frankels Weblog)
• Google Apps Challenging Microsoft in Business (NYT)
• For Republicans, it’s not about deficit reduction (Wonkblog) see also Weird Turn On Fiscal Cliff: GOP Plan Would Hike Taxes On Working Class So High-Income People Can Pay Less (Forbes)
WTF? David Koch Now Taking Aim at Hurricane Sandy Victims (The Nation)
• How does a traffic cop ticket a driverless car? (New Scientist) see also Google Designing ‘X Phone’ to Rival Apple, Samsung (WSJ)
• Rhinos and elephants: the secret lives of Africa’s giants (BBC Nature)

What are you reading?


Apple vs. Google vs. Facebook vs. Amazon

Source: WSJ

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