10 Monday AM Reads

A few reads before you go out to do your last minute shopping on holiday shortened trading day:

Commerce Claus: The behavioral economics of Christmas (TNR)
• Mayan Mindset on the Potomac (Barron’s) see also How can Republicans change their minds? (Economist)
• UBS Libor Manipulation Deserves the Death Penalty (Bloomberg)
• Lessons from a 107-Year-Old Stock Picker (WSJ) see also Any Monkey Can Beat the Market (Rick Ferri)
Farrell: Why we got Facebook and not Mars colonies (MarketWatch)
• Google Ventures in 2012: $300M, 150 companies, and one Nobel Prize (Venture Beat)
• 2013 may look a lot like 2012 (The Buzz) see also Why the Pundits Are Wrong About Big Money and the 2012 Elections (naked capitalism)
Silencing the Science on Gun Research (Journal of American Medical Association)
• Why Louie is the next stage in the evolution of the TV sitcom (AV Club)
• Scientists Report Faster Warming in Antarctica (NYT)

Who’s left on your list?


Push for Cheaper Credit Hits Wall  

Source: WSJ

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