10 (or so) Sunday Reads

Some early Sunday morning reading to start the last day of your weekend:

• Stocks and the D.C. Fear Factor (Barron’s) see also Obama Warns of Prolonged Talks as Republicans Rebuff Plan (Bloomberg)
• How ETFs Will Destroy Wall Street (Motley Fool)
Santoli: Bernanke’s Easy-Money Moves: The Crucial Reality (Yahoo Finance) see also QE through the looking glass (The Economist)
• The Insourcing Boom (The Atlantic)
• The Series A crunch is hitting now. Have we even noticed? (Pandodaily) see also The ABS hangover, Eurosystem-style (FT Alphaville)
• As Companies Seek Tax Deals, Governments Pay High Price (NYT)
• What It Means to Be Rational (The European) see also The Average Investor Is His Own Worst Enemy (Forbes)
Asshat Watch: A classic Friday meltdown from Santelli (FT Alphaville)
• The Incestuous Bleeding of the Republican Party (Red State) see also The Self-Destruction of the 1 Percent (NYT)
• 21 Ways You Should Take Advantage Of Your 20s (Thought Catalog)

Where are you shopping today?


Polar Ice Sheets Melt Faster: Once the WSJ starts talking melting ice caps, you know its game over for the denialists

Source: WSJ

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