10 Friday AM Reads

My morning reads:

• The latest foreclosure horror: the zombie title (Reuters) see also Bank Deal Ends Flawed Reviews of Foreclosures (NYT)
Harry Dent: The US Has Gone Over The ‘Demographic Cliff’ (+ Markets Crash This Summer) (Business Insider)
• Coming this weekend: New Design 2014 C7 Corvette (Bloomberg)
• Trillion dollar coin update:
…..-Meet the Genius Behind the Trillion-Dollar Coin (Wired)
…..-Coins Against Crazies (NYT)
• California to Post $851 Million Budget Surplus, Brown Says (Bloomberg)
• Geithner’s Tenure Defined by Financial Crisis, Appeasing TBTF Banks, (NYT)
• Why No Glass-Steagall II? (Project-Syndicate)
• Clouds Seen in Regulators’ Crystal Ball for Banks (NYT)
• Will we tool up our own brains? (Forum Blog)
• Safari is released to the world (Don Melton)

What up this weekend?


The hottest places on Earth

Source: The Economist

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