My early morning pre-travel reading:
• Getting Technical: Apple Still in Rising Trend (Barron’s) but see How Apple ate Wall Street: No company has ever had as big an impact on your portfolio (Marketwatch)
• Market Bears on the Brink: ‘I Can’t Fight It Anymore’ (CNBC)
• The Dual Duties of the Next S.E.C. Chief (NYT) see also A Signal to Wall Street In Obama’s Pick For Regulators (Dealbook)
• Natural gas is just what clean energy needs (Fortune)
• Norris: Housing Offers Hope of Strength in the Economy (NYT) but see Gross: Housing’s Back—and That’s Bad News (Daily Beast)
• Stories, Control, Fundamentals and Panic (Psy-Fi Blog)
• The truth behind Mickelson’s taxes (CNN/Money)
• JP Morgan CEO condemns ‘five years of scapegoating’ of banks (theguardian) see also Timothy Geithner on Populism, Paul Ryan, and His Legacy (The New Republic)
• Journalists in the service of Pete Peterson (Remapping Debate)
• A $17-billion RIA doubles down on a social media strategy that netted it 50 Facebook employees (RIABiz) see also Why sudden wealth at Facebook is gushing into a $17-billion RIA and triggered a merger of two DFA giants (RIABiz)
Whats up for the weekend?
Aging US Labor Force
Source: Economix
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