Long Interest Rates, 1790 to Present

click for larger chart



The great irony of the fiscal cliff settlement is that US borrowing rates are as cheap as they have been throughout the History of the US.

Now would be the least expensive time in most of your lifetimes to:

A) Rebuild the US infrastructure of Airports, Mass Transit, Ports, Waterways;
B) Upgrade and Secure the US Electrical grid, including making it more secure from hackers;
C) Improve the security of nuclear plants, ports, and chemical manufacturing plants;
D) Upgrade Roads, Bridges, Tunnels;
E) Improve public outdoor lighting, including “smarter” lights and traffic sensors

At some point int he future, your kids are going to ask — “Wait, you could have upgraded _______ and it only would have cost you 2.5% in borrowing costs?!?”



Shorter term rate chart after the jump

click for larger chart

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