My afternoon train reads:
• As the AAPL Turns: Street Ponders Units, Margins and Leadership (Tech Trader Daily) see also Apple’s iPhone has outsold Galaxy Smartphones by Nearly 100 Million Units (BGR)
• Dividend Stocks Are Better In Both Bull And Bear Markets (Business Insider)
• A Low Bar for Earnings (Barron’s)
• Simon Johnson: The Legacy of Timothy Geithner (Economix)
• Bank capital requirements: Are they costly? (Vox) see also Leeway on Repo Rules Is Cut Back (WSJ)
• How Game Theory Explains Washington’s Horrible Gridlock (The Atlantic)
• 15 Scientology Revelations From Lawrence Wright’s ‘Going Clear’ (The Daily Beast)
• In Gun Control Debate, Several Options Draw Majority Support (Pew Research Center)
• Golden Globe win worth millions more than Oscar victory (MediaFile) see also TV’s $200 Million Charlie Sheen Experiment (The Hollywood Reporter)
• Hacking the Hyperlinked Heart (WSJ)
What are you reading?
China Begins to Lose Edge as World’s Factory Floor
Source: WSJ
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