10 Thursday PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Would new Dow record set a bear market trap? (MarketWatch)
• The Rise of Finance (Ecan Soltas) see also Hidden profits, hidden rents (interfluidity)
• Personal finance media should be boring (Abnormal Returns)
Eisinger: A Revolving Door in Washington With Spin, but Less Visibility (DealBook)
• Keeping New York gasoline prices pumped (FT Alphaville)
Simon Johnson: Bernanke’s Credibility on ‘Too Big to Fail’ (Economix)
• Blueprint for an artificial brain (Terra Daily) see also Unleash Your Inner Jedi (MYO)
• Why Microsoft’s pushing Office subscriptions (PC World) see also Samsung takes a page from Apple’s Passbook with new Wallet app (The Verge)
• Document shows how much data cops suck up from suspects’ cell phones (arstechnica)
• The future of the bookstore: A real cliffhanger (Economist)What are you reading?

Whatchu talking ’bout Willis?



Sluggish economy may signal correction

Soure: CNNMoney

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