10 Friday AM Reads

Some Good Friday reads for those of you looking for something else to do:

• S&P High Is a Show of Faith in Fed (WSJ)
Passive investing: If it’s good enough for CalPERS (Investment News) see also Don’t Do It, CalPERS! (Dealbreaker)
Hoenig: Stop subsidizing Wall Street (Washington Post)
Simon Johnson: The Debate on Bank Size Is Over (Economix) but see The White House’s dangerous stance on ‘too big to fail’ (Washington Post)
• Profiles of the World’s Best CEOs — Many Paths to Greatness (Barron’s)
• Weil: Betray Your Bank Before Your Bank Betrays You (Bloomberg) see also Controls on Capital Come Late to Cyprus (NYT)
• Long Night at Today (New York Mag)
• China Attack: Apple slammed by China Central TV & Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily (WSJ) see also Japan’s Investors Are GungHo for iPhone Game  (WSJ)
• Your Client’s Brain: Coping as Your Clients Age (AdvisorOne)
• The Science of Monsters (The Telegraph)

What are you doing today? Market is close, and I have the day off!


Income Down 7.3% Since Start of Recession  

Source: Economix

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