10 Sunday Reads

Good Sunday morning to ya! Here are some worthwhile reads to start your day:

• More Stocks, Fewer Bonds (Barron’s)
• Retirement Investing vs. ‘Performance Delusion’ (Forbes) see also Fund Fees: Slash Them Early (Market Riders)
• If Not For That Pesky Sequester (Economist’s View)
• Wall Street’s Brightest Minds Reveal The Charts That Worry Them Most (Business Insider) see also It’s Frankfurt that should be your worry – not Rome (The Market Monetarist)
• Have Investors Finally Cracked the Stock-Picking Code? (WSJ)
• A Conversation with Emmanuel Saez: Taxing Away Inequality (Boston Review)
• Shocked, Shocked, Over Hospital Bills (Economix)
• Strategies for the Spring Housing Scrum (Bloomberg)• TED on the Run: How a Conference Copes With Success — and Brickbats (Wired)
• Break up the too-big, too-dangerous banks (MarketWatch)
• Girlfriend Leads Photographer Around the World (Twisted Sifter) see also Murad Osmann (Instagram)

Whats for brunch?


Key Asset Class Performance in February and YTD  

Source: Bespoke


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