10 Thursday AM Reads

My morning reads:

• Cyprus omen for U.S. stock rally (USAToday) see also The Good, the Bad and the Extremely Ugly (aspects of the Cyprus deal) (Yanis Varoufakis)
• U.S Stocks Continue to Shun Foreign-Borne Risks (Barron’s)
• Middle-class folk need to stop spending like they are rich—and start saving instead (Quartz) see also The Recovery is Real (Tim Duy’s Fed Watch)
• The Best Way to Save Banking Is to Kill It (Bloomberg)
• Germany doesn’t like its own fiscal union, so why would it ever agree upon a European one? (Bond Vigilantes)
• Americans Want More Social Security, Not Less (Forbes) see also Declining Wealth Brings a Rising Retirement Risk (Economix)
• Winter Is Here: How Game of Thrones became the most important show on television (Grantland)
• Hashtags considered #harmful (Nieman Journalism Lab)
• 35 Astounding And Uplifting Facts About The Universe (BuzzFeed)
• How Samsung Became the World’s No. 1 Smartphone Maker (Businessweek) see also Apple fans: Microsoft is no longer the enemy (Macworld)

What are you reading?


US Gains Ground (recovers) versus Rest of the World

Source: Bespoke

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