As Serious as Daylight Savings Time . . .

I never use an alarm clock (never have). I don’t seem to need much sleep, and I let my body wake me up whenever it wants to. Daylight savings means I start getting out of bed at about 5 instead of 4. And who doesn’t like more sunlight at the end of the day?

But not all is well: It turns out that Heart Attacks rise following daylight saving time. And, by the statistically significant amount — about 10%. (The opposite is true when falling back in October — they fall by 10 percent). Staying up late to finish off a disc of Californication when I wasn’t sleepy never helps either.

According to Science Daily, “Sleep deprivation, the body’s circadian clock and immune responses all can come into play when considering reasons that changing the time by an hour can be detrimental to someone’s health.”

This is really a long winded way of saying I am running late.

Be back shortly . . .


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