The Interns Are Coming! The Interns Are Coming!

I hear them on the trains — cracking their gum or chatting excitedly on their OMG! phones. I see them in the streets. I find them gunking up my Twitter feed. And soon, they will be in my office, looking for a place to sit, asking what the WiFi password is, and wondering how does this scanner work? and other assorted questions.

The good news is we are very fortunate to be able to offer positions to several outstanding college students. We pull together two types of work specifically for them over the summer — shorter term projects that is additive to what our crack staff is working on, and longer-term research projects.

The short-term work helps them get a feel for what life is like in an asset management shop week-to-week. The longer term projects let them do a deep dive into research, see their names on a published work (in the acknowledgments).

I always cringe when I hear some companies think of interns as free labor — unpaid grunts that do very little of substance. If that is what you find yourself doing over the summer, you picked the wrong firm to work for.  (Too bad there isn’t a Yelp for intern programs).

The best news is as I start pulling together their work assignments, I know the Summer is not far off.

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