10 Monday PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Boom or Bubble? (The New Yorker) but see Is This the Best Time for Investors? Don’t Bet On It. (WSJ)
• How Benjamin Graham Revolutionized Shareholder Activism (Echoes)
• Dear NYSE: Canceling Trades Destroys The Integrity of The Market (Kid Dynamite’s World)
• Telling the Truth on Fees, Warts and All (NYT) see also Making your financial adviser measure up (MarketWatch)
• Gross to Buffett Omens Disregarded as Sales Soar (Bloomberg)
• What’s Holding Back Hiring? (Real Time Economics)
• Wall Street Deregulation Advances Despite Warnings Vote Could ‘Haunt’ Congress (HuffPo)
How much? Samsung swipes 95% of Android profits (Digital Trends)
• Tesla’s fight with America’s car dealers (CNN Money)
• 12 reasons X-Prize billionaires are cheapskates (MarketWatch)

What are you reading?


Where International Migration Passes Natural Population Increase (Births ‐Deaths): 2012 to 2060
Source: Census

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