NY/NJ/CT Congressional Delegation Should Demand Apology from Oklahoma Senators Inhofe and Coburn

704014main_20121102_Sandy-GOES_226A brief reminder: Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane since Katrina. It caused 285 total fatalities and was the second-costliest hurricane in United States history.

During the immediate aftermath of this act of Nature, these 2 dimwits were among many who decided to use the disaster as a political platform. They voted against a full FEMA / Army Corp of Engineer reconstruction, and repeatedly delayed votes to fund any for of rescue.

The claim that the rescue bill was any more pork laden than anything else that comes out of the sewer that is Washington D.C. was specious at best. Do a search for “Hurricane Sandy Pork” — what comes up are the same wingnut articles repeated over and over in various partisan outlets.

Media Matters noted in January that claims of money for “climate change for the EPA”  was actually money for wastewater treatment in damaged areas (Fox News’ Bogus Hunt For Pork In Sandy Bill Continues).

Even Forbes called foul — they noted that the “porkcame from having to bribe red state Republicans — including Texas — in order to get the package passed over their filibuster” (Pork Holding Up Senate Sandy Relief Bill Funneled Into The Troughs Of GOP Deficit Hawks? You Betcha).

The hypocrisy reached a point of such absurdity that the Republican Governor of New Jersey, a Conservative favorite, went postal against the GOP House members as well as these two Oklahoma Senators.

Which brings me to the recent tragedy in Oklahoma: Now that the disaster is on the other foot, the Oklahoma Senators/deficit hawks are claiming Tornado aid ‘totally different’ from Hurricane Sandy aid.

Want to know how its different?

A big chunk of the Sandy emergency package replenished FEMA, which had been underfunded by the usual suspects. The Sandy relief package replenished its coffers. The votes in favor of Sandy Aid ironically funded FEMA, and it is helping with the rescue and clean up efforts in Oklahoma.

I would suggest that the entire NY/NJ/CT Congressional Delegation, regardless of party, as well as Governors Christie, Cuomo, and Malloy should demand an apology from Senators Inhofe and Coburn. These two geniuses were voting against funding an agency that is now helping out their electorate.


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