The Paradox of Choice


I discovered The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, through a TED talk (after the jump) — I haven’t read it yet, but it looks quite interesting.


“In this revolutionary and beautifully reasoned book, Barry Schwartz shows that there is vastly too much choice in the modern world. This promiscuous amount of choice renders the consumer helpless and dissatisfied. The Paradox of Choice is a must read for every thoughtful person.”
— Martin Seligman, author of Learned Optimism and Authentic Happiness

“The Paradox of Choice carries a simple yet profoundly life-altering message for all Americans. Based on new research, Barry Schwartz explores why we want more choices when the best possible choice is already at hand, and how the creation of this “choice overload” undermines good decision-making. His eleven practical, simple steps to becoming less choosy will change much in your daily life. Buy this book now!”
— Philip G. Zimbardo, author of Shyness: What It Is, What to Do About It

“Today’s world offers us more choices but, ironically, less satisfaction. In this provocative and riveting book, Barry Schwartz shines the light of psychological science on popular culture and shows us steps we can take toward a more rewarding life. This is one of those rare books I just couldn’t put down.”
— David G. Myers, author of Intuition: Its Powers and Perils


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