10 Monday AM Reads

My 10:03 Acela to Boston morning reads:

• Forecast Calls for Volatility (WSJ)
• Why the Fed Hates the Word ‘Tapering’ (Real Time Economics) see also Look For Fed to Taper Talk of ‘Tapering’ (Barron’s)
Brett Arends: Why Wall Street loses its mind every summer (MarketWatch)
• Josh two fer:
…..-The Doomer Biz Hits the Clearance Aisle (The Reformed Broker)
…..-Why the Super-Rich Love Bubbles (The Reformed Broker)
• 4 reasons Bernanke may be world’s best central banker (USA Today)
• Median CEO Pay Rises to $9.7 Million in 2012 (AP) but see Labor’s Falling Share, Everywhere (Conversable Economist)
• WWDC 2013 Expectations (Daring Fireball)
• Silent War (Vanity Fair)
• Apple to Revamp iPhone Software, Ending Product Funk (Bloomberg) see also Apple Enters Net Radio’s Busy Field (NYT)
• Before and After: A Satellite Captures Damage and Recovery from Superstorm Sandy (Time)

What are your reading?



AAII allocation cash levels fell to lowest in over 2 years
Source: The Short Side of Long

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