10 Thursday PM Reads
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee: Sarah Silverman “I’m...
Major Asset Classes: 1850 – Present
10 Thursday AM Reads
America’s Worst Charities
Network Data
This is from 1 year ago, and is suddenly very relevant: Network from Michael Rigley on Vimeo. Information technology has become a...
The Bond Market and Inflation
The Bond Market and Inflation David R. Kotok June 12, 2013 “A knowledge of the laws of prices is essential for...
Currency Markets Are Rigged
EVERY Market Is Rigged Bloomberg reports today: Traders at some of the world’s biggest banks manipulated benchmark foreign-exchange...
Chronologic cover: Evolution of Daft Punk’s Get Lucky by...
Get Lucky reimagined for every decade since the 1920s Hat tip kottke