10 Friday AM Reads

My 10 morning back-in-NY reads:

• What’s Powering the Strongest Bull Market Since WWII? (Fiscal Times)
Here’s proof: Uncertainty didn’t hold back economy (MarketWatch)
Kotok To Whitney: What Planet Are You On? (Index Universe)
• The Correlation Conundrum (Capital Spectator)
• Negative Fed Feedback Loops? (Tim Duy’s Fed Watch)
More Gold buggery: No, the Comex is not going to default (FT Alphaville)
• Silicon Valley is Hacking Your Food (Inc.)
• Why Larry Summers Won’t Be Fed Chair (Barron’s) see also Larry Summers and the Pivot to Austerity (Calculated Risk)
• What if Mitt Romney had won? (Economist)
• MIT creates the first perfect mirror (Extreme Tech)

What are you reading?


Bonds Could Get Swept Away by the Flow
Source: WSJ

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