10 Sunday Reads

My early Sunday morn reads:

• Fund Managers Should Go Into the Closet When Markets Drop (Investment News)
• Zweig: Understand the difference between ‘Shallow Risk’ and ‘Deep Risk’ (Moneybeat)
• Corporate Investment: A Mysterious Divergence (FT.com)
• Toyota Outsold by GM Signals Long-Term Japan Demand Slump (Bloomberg)
• CNBC Fed poll: 50% say Obama should pick Yellen; 2.5% say he should pick Summers (WaPo) see also Summers a Bane for Treasury Bonds; Yellen a Boon? (Moneybeat)
Denninger: Glass-Steagall: Where Are The Tea Partiers And Republicans? (Market Ticker)
• Your Smile Can Change the World. All You Have To Do is Grin and Bare It… (theguardian)
• The Zombie Argument that Refuses to Die: Shakespeare: William Shakespeare (Standpoint Magazine)
• How America’s Top Tech Companies Created the Surveillance State (National Journal)
• Hollywood’s Reliance on Sequels Makes for a Pallid Picture (WSJ)

Whats for brunch today?


Some May Call it Lying
GS Der

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