10 Tuesday AM Reads

My early morning, Bezos really owns WaPo?, Tuesday reads:

• Hedge funds copy Soros’s regulatory sidestep (FT.com)
• Bank commodity hoarding to end? (Macrobusiness)
• The IPO Market’s Baby Boomlet (Barron’s)
• Someone stop Larry Summers from bagging the Fed before it’s too late (Telegraph) see also Why I Don’t Trust Lawrence Summers’ Friends (Slate)
•  Future prospects: Prospect theory and economics (Economist)
• Mayday for America’s middle class: Trickle-down economics have worked out terribly for most Americans (LA Times)
• Did We Waste a Financial Crisis? (NYT Mag) see also The Financial Crisis Cost More Than $14 Trillion: Dallas Fed Study (Huff Po)
• Should you delete all emails you get while you are on holiday?  (BBC)
• Apparently if you want more babies you just have to let people have them (FT Alphaville)
• Remembering the Apple Newton’s Prophetic Failure and Lasting Impact (Wired)

What are you reading?

So Much for the Uncertainty Index
uncertin pshaw
Source: Washington Post

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