10 Tuesday AM Reads

My morning reads:

• September is stocks’ cruelest month (MSM Money) but see Quit worrying about a 1987-style crash (MarketWatch)
• The 20-Year Performance Of Hedge Funds And The S&P 500 Are Almost Identical (Business Insider)
• Crash test dummies and fund manager surveys (FT Alphaville)
• The credit crunch is officially over (Fortune) but see So you think Europe’s debt crisis is finally over? Time to think again (Telegraph)
Wolfers: Markets, Unlike Media, Aren’t in a Lather Over Fed Chair (Bloomberg)
• Your mortgage documents are fake! (Salon) see also In One Bundle of Mortgages, the Subprime Crisis Reverberates (DealBook)
• Current-guidance is needed from the PBoC (Institute for New Economic Thinking)
• The Tea Party’s Disruptive Anti-Government (and anti-tax) Politics (A Taxing Matter) see also Inside the Obamacare resistance (Wonkblog)
Exegesis: How early adapters, innovative publishers, legacy media companies and more are pushing toward the annotated web (Nieman Lab)
• Apple Said to Prepare Holiday Refresh of iPhones to iPads (Bloomberg)

What are you reading?


Consumer Spending Belies Dire Forecasts
Source: WSJ

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