10 Weekend Reads

My longer form weekend reading:

• Amazon’s Dominant Strategy (Stratechery)
• Corporate investment: A mysterious divergence (FT.com)
The evolution of knowledge: Science, Right and Wrong (The American Scholar)
• The rise of Promontory Financial Group: The DC-based consulting firm known by financial institutions the world over as the ultimate fix-it shop. (Washington Post)
Bugger: Perhaps the true state secret is that spies are not very good at what they do  (BBC)
• Conservative economic arguments since the crisis: A review (Noahpinion)
• Slow Ideas: Some innovations spread fast. How do you speed the ones that don’t? (New Yorker)
• Dirty Medicine: America’s dangerous and expensive health care system (Washington Monthly)
Adjusting the Picture: Why Modern Television Programming is so good (Morning News)
• Star Script Doctor Damon Lindelof Explains the New Rules of Blockbuster Screenwriting (Vulture)

Whats up for the weekend?


Old media outlets’ web traffic growth trails the upstarts
Source: Economist

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