10 Sunday Reads

Good Sunday morning, some interesting reads for the middle of your long weekend:

Charlie Munger: Lessons From an Investing Giant (Real Time Economics)
• Investing: What is the value of unique? (FT Alphaville)
• No, This Stock Market Is Not the ‘Next Great Bubble’ (Atlantic) see also Still No Appetite for Risk (U.S. News)
Why Wall Street Has Given up on Opposing Spitzer: It Knows a Bad Trade When it Sees One (Reformed Broker)
• Higher Interest Rates Haven’t Spooked High-End Buyers (WSJ) see also Location, location, location (Economist)
• By 2015, manufacturing in the US will cost only ~5% more than China (Quartz)
• No, the safety net doesn’t cause unemployment (MarketWatch) see also Recovery in Germany Is Faster Than Elsewhere (NYT)
• How a Regulator Made ‘Too Big To Fail’ Banks Thwart Predatory Lenders (National Memo)
Science & Technology: Welcome to the Age of Denial (NYT)
The Sound of Going to Pieces: The Clash’s surviving members recount the making of a punk anthem (WSJ)

Whats for brunch ?


Syria Outrage
Source The Oatmeal

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