TBP Speaker Bio: Stephanie Pomboy

BA-AO156A_qa_p1_NS_20081212184916Less than two weeks to go before the 5th Annual Big Picture Conference on October 8th in New York City is here, and I wanted to spend some of the next few days focusing on the speakers who will appear.

Last week, I discussed Michael Mauboussin and  Vanguard Chairman Jack Brennan. Today, its economist Stephanie Pomboy.

After graduating Dartmouth with a degree in economics, Stephanie joined the economic research team at Cyrus J. Lawrence, then-headed by Ed Hyman. In 1991, the team left to establish ISI Group, an independent economic research firm. During her tenure at ISI, Stephanie worked closely with the largest and most sophisticated institutions, providing timely economic insight and analysis. Se now runs her own firm, MacroMavens.

Stephanie is one of the most widely respected women in Finance — Her clients include the largest U.S. mutual funds, investment management firms, and global hedge funds. She is regularly quoted and profiled in the media including Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, CBS MarketWatch, and New York magazine and Bloomberg.

You do not want to miss her discussion with Randall Forsyth, Associate Editor of Barron’s.





Full schedule after the jump.

The 5th Annual Big Picture Conference is coming up on October 8th in New York City.

I’ve learned a lot from each of these speakers. I think you will too:

Michael Mauboussin: explains how to “Untangle Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing.” (He is author of The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing, managing director and head of Global Financial Strategies at Credit Suisse, and adjunct professor of finance at the Columbia University Business School.

Art Cashin, UBS Art Cashin has been working the floor of the NYSE for over 40 years. Well known to CNBC viewers for his pithy updates, Art is one of the finest raconteurs you will ever hear. Many of my favorite Wall Street tales trace back to Art. I look forward to sitting down with him for a fascinating Fireside chat.

Jack Brennan, Chairman, Vanguard: Jack was CEO of Vanguard, helping to build the firm to over $1.2 trillion in assets. He is now Chairman, and will discuss the state of Wall Street as it affects the average investor. There are not more than 3 people in the world as knowledgeable about this subject as Jack is.

Stephanie Pomboy, Macro Mavens: one of the most respected economists in finance, her clients include billionaires, government agencies, and major corporations. Randall Forsyth, editor-in-chief of Barron’s, sits down with Stephanie to discuss the state of the economy.

James O’Shaughnessy, OSAM: One of the best known Quants on the street, Jim spoke at the 2012 conference, surprising everyone with his explanation as to why equities were undervalued and poised to rally. He was dead on, and I look forward to his analysis this year.

Josh Brown, CEO, Ritholtz Wealth Management: Josh has become well known to investors as one of the few people to listen to on CNBC. His insight and wit make his investing commentary a delight to read. Josh is moderating a panel of Market Strategists, including Art Hogan of Lazard Freres, Jeffrey Kleintop, LPL Financial and Dan Greenhaus, BTIG

Mike Santoli, Yahoo Finance: Longtime market watcher is moderating a panel of experts looking at the “The New, Smaller Wall Street.” Mike is a very sharp journalist, and this looks to be a great discussion. (We’ll have more on his guests soon).


We began these one-day conferences in the midst of the credit crisis in the heart of the downturn back in 2009. The goal was to bring fresh thinkers and new ideas to my circle of investing colleagues. The usual suspects – pundits, market professionals and media – did not distinguish themselves in advance of the crisis. I wanted to drive a more intelligent debate than what we had seen before and after the crisis.

The idea took hold, and it has become an annual event since.

Space is extremely limited, so if you are planning on attending, please sign up right away to reserve your seat. We have worked hard to keep the costs as low as possible ($249).

I hope to see you there!


The Big Picture Conference

Date: October 8th, 2013

Locale: McGraw Hill conference facility, 1221 Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave between 48th & 49th).


Eventbrite - The Big Picture Conference 2013


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