10 Weekend Reads

Good Saturday morning. Here are my favorite long form readings to start off your weekend:

• Unhappy Truckers and Other Algorithmic Problems Algorithms: Transportation optimization starts with math, but ends in understanding human behavior (Nautilus)
• The real reason women are leaving Wall Street (Quartz)
Mindless: The new neuro-skeptics. (New Yorker)
I Dream of Genius: A happy genius is the gift of nature (Commentary)
• The Social Life of Genes: Inside the new social science of genetics (Pacific Standard)
Germany’s Energy Poverty: How Electricity Became a Luxury Good (Spiegel)
• Did a bet on metal prices save the lives of millions? (New Scientist)
How to Rebuild an Attention Span: In the war on distraction, a new long-term study of disrupted attention, multitasking, and aging (Atlantic)
• Attack of the Giant Art Galleries (WSJ)
Best sports story I read this week: The day Harry Redknapp brought a fan on to play for West Ham (The Guardian)

Whats up for the weekend?



Source: Department of Commerce

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