10 Weekend Reads

Good Saturday morning! Here are my longer form, weekend reading:

• 5 years after financial crash, many losers — and some big winners (Los Angeles Times) see also Where Is Dick Fuld Now? Finding Lehman Brothers’ Last CEO (Businessweek)
• What Matters Most:  Building a larger 401(k) balance. (Morningstar)
• Buffaloed by Boredom and Bernanke (Alpine Advisor)
On Muppets & Merchandise: How Jim Henson Turned His Art into a Business (Longreads)
• Financing the Federal Government with Inflation-Protected Securities (Noahpinion) but see Is the Nation-State Dying? (Chronicle)
Public Enemies: Social Media Is Fueling Gang Wars in Chicago (Wired)
• The STEM Crisis Is a Myth (IEEE Spectrum) see also What’s So Special About Star Engineers? (Priceonomics)
• The Psychiatric Drug Crisis: US sales of psychiatric drugs > $70 Billion in 2010 (New Yorker)
Parallel worlds: If human history turns on the tilt of the multiverse, can we still trust our ideas of achievement, progress and morality? (aeon)
• Taxonomy: The spy who loved frogs (Nature)

Whats up for the weekend?


A boon for the banks
Source: Los Angeles Times


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