10 Midweek AM Reads

Here’s whats shaking this morning:

• Obama’s Quiet Bull Market Charges Past Reagan-Era Gains (Businessweek) see also 3 ‘amazing’ facts about the stock market (MarketWatch)
• Do investors have too much information? – Fortune Management (CNN)
• The slowdown in sales of newly built homes since last summer has sapped momentum from the land market. (WSJ) but see Investors dive into risk-sharing mortgage bonds from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (WSJ)
• If economists ran the country… (FT.com)
• The Perils of Ascribing Meaning to a Random Event (NY Times) see also Richard Thaler on Behavioral Economics (Conversable Economist)
• For Once-Mighty Sears, Pictures of Decay (Dealbook)
• A global wine shortage could soon be upon us (Quartz)
• The iPad Air (Daring Fireball) see also Lighter and Faster, It’s iPad Air (NY Times
• Suzanne Somers, Jenny McCarthy and America’s love of celebrity pseudoscience (Salon)
• Photo spread: Banksy in NYC (Atlantic) see also Monthlong Chase Around New York City for Banksy’s Street Art (NY Times)

What are you reading?


The Up & Down Dow

Source: Bespoke Invest

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