10 Monday AM Reads

My good Columbus Day, congrats to Bob Shiller, Monday morning reading:

• Forty Years After OPEC Embargo, U.S. Is Energy Giant (Bloomberg)
• Art market: Painting by numbers (FT.com)
This is the danger of default: U.S. fiscal failure warrants a de-Americanized world (Xinhua) see also Why China may not be over-investing (FT Alphaville)
• How important is an adviser’s track record? (MarketWatch)
Todays WTF headline: David Stockman: Soak the Rich (Barron’s)
• The 13 reasons Washington is failing (Wonkblog) see also World Keeps Full Faith in U.S. Treasuries If Not Politics (Bloomberg)
• Why You’re So Bad With Your Money (Motley Fool) see also How Aging Impacts Our Financial Decisions (Forbes)
• My weekend with the iPhone 5s: It’s hard not to recommend this phone to anyone (Gigaom)
• Scott Adams’ Secret of Success: Failure (WSJ)
• Review: Paul McCartney sounds revitalized in ‘New’ (Pop & Hiss)

What are you reading?


Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low
Source: Gallup

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