10 Thursday AM Reads

My early morning reads:

• Europe Bulls:
…..-Simple math does not support US bulls (MarketWatch)
…..-Wall Street Analyst Crams 700 Years Of Data Into 12 Charts ‘You Can’t Ignore’ (Business Insider)
• Most Americans accumulating debt faster than they’re saving for retirement (Washington Post) see also  Pension Funds Love Wall Street (Bloomberg)
• A Moot Effort to Burnish the Reputation of Goldman Sachs (Dealbook)
• Hamptons Sales Surge Fuels High-End Home Tear-Downs (Bloomberg) see also These houses aren’t bear traps, US optimism du jour (FT Alphaville)
• Return to Reaganomics Seen Reviving U.K. Biotechnology (Bloomberg)
• WSJ Two fer:
…..-Treasury yields fall below 2.5% as investors expect later Fed taper (WSJ)
…..-Investors fretting that companies will find it tough to maintain sky-high margins could be missing the real problem. (WSJ)
• Most of what you are going to do or say today is not essential (Farnam Street)
• Microsoft’s official blog says the latest iPad event was an attempt for Apple to play catch up with Microsoft’s offering (TechNet Blogs) see also How Much Longer Can Apple Ignore The iPad’s Competition? (Buzzfeed)
• Data Visualization Awards (Kantar Information Is Beautiful Awards)
• 27 Actors Who Got Their Starts on Miami Vice (Mental Floss)

What are you reading?


Source: NY Times

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