10 Thursday AM Reads

My early morning reads:

• Da Bears: The Dow’s New High: Bull’s Last Gasp? (Barron’s) see also Are markets at risk of 1999-style Fed bubble? (CNBC)
• Surprise! Greek Recovery Makes Stocks World’s Best (Bloomberg)
• The economy may dash expectations that the Federal Reserve could scale back its bond buying sooner rather than later (WSJ) but see The Market’s December Taper Fear Is Only Going to Get Worse (WSJ)
• Six signs you’re reading good criticism of economics (Evolving Economics)
• Apple should be like Bloomberg (Reuters) see also Speed and Power Packed Into a Thin iPad Air (All Things D)
• Why CEOs don’t support the Tea Party (Fortune)
• Congratulations, America! Your deficit fell 37 percent in 2013. (Wonkblog) see also The Myth of the Exploding Federal Government, Part 1 (Off the Charts)
• From Anonymity to Scourge of Wall Street (Dealbook)
• Obesity: A new appetite-increasing mechanism discovered (Science Daily) see also The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier (Daily Good)
• Britain Is Experimenting With a Glowing, Seemingly Self-Aware Bike Path (Atlantic Cities)

What are you reading?


US Budget deficit fell 37% so far in 2013

Source: Wonkblog

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