10 Sunday Reads

Good Sunday morning. Some intellectual stimulation to prevent your brain from atrophying over the weekend:

• This is no time to get off the equity train (FT) but see Stock market’s continuing climb worries some Wall Street experts  (LA Times)
The Never List: Never sell a service that you cannot deliver. Never work for someone who isn’t as smart as you are. Never work for or with people with a lesser moral code than your own.  (TRB)
• Eugene Fama, King of Predictable Markets (NYT)
Dan Gross: Amazon Stock May Be Up, but the Company Still Doesn’t Make Any Money (Daily Beast)
• Does Studying Economics Breed Greed? (Psychology Today) see also Economists are horrible people, study says (Salon)
• Japan’s Yankee genius, the greatest scientist you’ve never heard of (New Statesman)
• Apple’s big iPad problem: How do you convince owners to upgrade when their old machines work just fine? (Yahoo)
• David Byrne: Will Work for Inspiration. (Creative Time Reports)
• 39 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist (Dumb Little Man)
• Finding Time to Read (Farnam Street)

Whats for brunch?


Consumer sentiment took a huge hit in October
Source: Reuters


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