Teaser: Big Announcement Next Week

Since the summer, I have been working on a skunk works project that has been kept under wraps during the negotiation process. It involves a a combination of media — sort of a mash up of blogging, podcasting and radio.

I think it will be way cool.

The fact that I am discussing it here means that, yes, we have a done deal — I signed the docs and made it all legal (guess what top flight legal counsel costs in this town?!). There should be an announcement towards the end of next week.

I am super jazzed about it.

I am under NDA, so I cannot reveal what the specifics are until then — but I can say it is a pretty big deal. Hopefully, something like this stay tuned.

I hope this project ends up being as innovative and unusual as I envision; there is the possibility  of crashing and burning, egg on my face, failure / horrible embarrassment/ showing up naked for high school finals sort of humiliation.

But WTF, if you never take risks, you will never grow!

What might change? I expect the blog might see some small changes in some ways, and for sure, my schedule will, as well as my interaction with media. Other than that you are just going to have to come back a week from now and see whats up.

I am very very excited about this!


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