10 Monday AM Reads

Good Monday morning, some pre-open reads to feed your brain:

• Best Stock Market Since 1997 Seen With S&P 500 Momentum (Bloomberg) but see Sommers: The Dangers of a Stock Market Melt-Up (NY Times)
• Reduce the noise levels in your investment process (Washington Post)
• Abandon all hope, ye who venture here (FT Alphaville) see also Is Yale a Model? (original research paper) (SSRN)
• Economists overvalue stock markets (Reuters)
• ‘Frontier’ funds have been stars among emerging-markets stock funds this year. (WSJ) but see Emerging-market stocks are up 16% since June, but some analysts find that troubling (WSJ)
• Nicholas Lemann: Can the S.E.C.’s Mary Jo White Control Wall Street? (New Yorker)
• Dear Google, What’s Wrong With You? (TechCrunch)
• Chris Christie is about to win in a landslide, and he wants every Republican to understand why (Business Insider)
• I Noticed This Tiny Thing On Google Maps. When I Zoomed In… Well, Nothing Could Prepare Me. (Viral Nova)
• 12 Unusually Placed Sports Venues (World Geography)

What are you reading\?

Are Stocks Expensive?

Source: Mebane Faber

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