10 Turkey Day Reads

Turkey Day is here! Enjoy the time you have with loved ones, but before that, some reads:

• Thanksgiving Facts Roundup (Today I Found Out)
• Five economic trends to be thankful for (WaPo) but see Fed Reveals New Concerns About Long-Term U.S. Slowdown (Bloomberg)
• Stock Bulls Have Plenty to Be Thankful (WSJ) see also What Tech Bubble? The charts beg to differ  (Barron’s)
• CNBC Core Viewership Drops To Fresh Two Decade Low In November, Lowest Since 1993 (Zerohedge)
• Fox News not outraged by retailers’ War on Thanksgiving  (CJR)
• What Americans really think of Obamacare (LA Times)
• Poor choices: “Circumstances matter” is the new “incentives matter” (FT Alphaville) see also Why I Make Terrible Decisions, or, poverty thoughts (Killer Martinis)
• Penny Lane: Gitmo’s other secret CIA facility (AP)
• When We Lose Antibiotics, Here’s Everything Else We’ll Lose Too (Wired)
• Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit (Bloomberg)

Let me guess what you are eating today:


Surging Nasdaq Pierces 4,000

Source: WSJ

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