10 Midweek AM Reads

My late morning reads:

• Jeremy Grantham’s Bullish Two-Year Outlook (Barron’s) see also The EM flow turnaround (FT Alphaville)
• Smart-Beta Risks Not Clear Enough (Index Universe)
• Junk Glistens Under ‘Bernankecare’ as Worst Stocks Win (Bloomberg) see also In Japan, there is no worry that the central bank is about to pull back the punch bowl (WSJ)
• The Luck Factor in Great Decisions (Harvard Business Review)
• Fairfax Financial vs Berkshire Hathaway (Investing For a Living)
• Why no public fury over austerity? (Mainly Macro) see also Do Negative Rates Call For a Permanent Expansion of the Government? (Next New Deal)
• Big Ethanol Finally Loses (WSJ)
• Unaccountable: The Pentagon’s bad bookkeeping (Reuters)
• We Owe the Beatles to Luck (Bloomberg)
• What if US Football teams were presented as European (Soccer) Football (Football as Football)

What are you reading?

The EM Flow Turnaround

Source: FT Alphaville

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