How to Get More Signal . . .



My Sunday Washington Post Business Section column is out. This morning, we look at the best ways to Use the News.

As I noted last time out, its helpful to reduce your noise levels when it comes to investing.

This go round the focus on getting more signal. For a change, I am positive (instead of my usual critical carping) about the media.

Here’s an excerpt from the column:

“If you have read me for any length of time, you know I am less than enthralled with much of what passes for financial news. Most of it looks like meaningless filler to me. A lot of it is misleading, emotional, nonsense. Too much of it is prediction-driven — and experience has taught us that most predictions are worthless. Last, huge swaths of opinion often masquerade as analysis, and that does nothing for you. That someone else happens to like XYZ should be irrelevant to you as an investor.

Rather than repeat my usual whining about the financial press, I want to focus on how your use of media can add value to your investing process. (Okay, some whining might slip in, but I will keep it to a minimum.)”

I name names of my specific favorites as well in the full piece . . .


Use the News
Barry Ritholtz
Washington Post, November 17 2013

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