10 MidWeek PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Household net worth hits record high in third quarter (Reuters)
• Bargains Beckon Funds to European Equities (Bloomberg) see also A Snapshot of a Pricey Stock Market (Barron’s)
• The Hedge Fund Way: Pay More, to Get Less, and Be Unable to Access Your Money (Businessweek)
• If You Only Know 5 Things About Investing, Make It These (Motley Fool) see also Overcoming an Aversion to Loss (NY Times)
• Celebrations of Too Big to Fail’s Demise Are Premature (Bloomberg)
• Google’s Road Map to Global Domination (NY Times) see also The Googlization of the Far Right: Why is Google Funding Grover Norquist, Heritage Action and ALEC? (PR Watch)
• New York Asks Cellphone Carriers to Explain Why They Rejected Antitheft Switch (NY Times)
• How to stop the robots from taking all our jobs: A Q&A with Noah Smith (AEI Ideas) see also Wage subsidies (Not Quite Noahpinion)
• America’s Economy Is Officially Inside-Out (Harvard Business Review)
• Fiat Said to Spend $12 Billion for Made-in-Italy Luxury (Bloomberg)


What are you reading?


Who Met the Most With Regulators to Try and Shape the Volcker Rule? Big Banks.

Source: Sunlight Foundation

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