10 Thursday PM Reads

Here’s my train-reading this evening:

• How strong is gold’s “Wall of Worry?” (MarketWatch) see also Gold slides to the lowest price in three years, falling 3.4%. (WSJ)
• How Secret Currency Traders’ Club Devised Biggest Market’s Rates (Bloomberg)
• 5 reasons stocks didn’t suffer a ‘taper tantrum’ (USA Todaysee also A Professional Preps for the End of QE (Forbes)
• 8½ Things That Went Right in 2013 (Businessweek)
Tee hee Take $1,000, Trade Once a Day, Make $264 Billion—You Could Have Done It in 2013 (The Atlantic)
• It’s official—higher pay attracts better workers (Quartzsee also Supersize My Wage (NY Timessee also Walmart and Target: A tale of two discount chains (CBS)
• What the big money is betting on in 2014 (MarketWatch)
• Fed tapering and emerging markets (Vox) see also After the Taper, Outlook Is Clear for Stocks, Investors Say (WSJ)
• Plasma flows 15 times diameter of Earth have spotted on sun’s surface (Daily Mail)
• Your boss wants to be Nate Silver (Salon)

What are you reading?


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