10 Tuesday PM Reads

Here’s what I’m reading on the way home this evening:

• George Osborne: How Britain Returned to Growth (WSJ)
• Facebook Is A Fundamentally Broken Product That Is Collapsing Under Its Own Weight (Business Insider)
• A Look Inside the Fed’s Balance Sheet (WSJ) see also Who’s really running the Fed now? (Washington Post)
• North America to Drown in Oil as Mexico Ends Monopoly (Bloomberg)
• China’s Shadow Currency (The Diplomat)
• Stern Words for Wall Street’s Watchdogs, From a Judge (NY Times) see also Unforeseen consequences of the Volcker rule already are rippling into the furthest corners of the economy and financial markets. (WSJ)
• The Rumored Chase-Madoff Settlement Is Another Bad Joke (Rolling Stone)
• The Thought Leader (NY Times) see also Krugman: The Facebooking of Economics (NY Times)
• Obamacare Is Actually Good. No, Really (Vocativ)
• 59 Unreleased Beatles Songs Are Coming To iTunes (Fast Company)

What are you reading?


One Chart That Shows Just How Much Global Stocks Are Booming

Source: Time


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