My afternoon train reads:
• Markets Price in Fed Rate Changes Long Before They Happen (Real Time Economics)
• The Costs of Working Too Much (New Yorker) but see The “middle class” myth: Here’s why wages are really so low today (Salon)
• WTF headline of the day: Buffett Makes Millions Selling 500-to-1 Monkey-Linked Derivatives (Bloomberg)
• Wall Street Banks Remain Vulnerable on Derivatives Five Years After Financial Crisis (WSJ) see also The ‘too big to fail’ problem just got worse (Telegraph)
• Some People Love Money So Much They Can’t Live Without It (Bloomberg)
• With New Thinking and Technology, Some Businesses Get Creative With Pricing (NY Times)
• Prosecutors Balk, Bankers Walk (Bloomberg)
• How do you mend a broken cellphone screen? There’s more ways than one (WSJ)
• The NFL’s $1 Billion Headache Isn’t Going Away (Fiscal Times)
• Hilarous: 20 Signs You’re A FLID: F*cking Long Island D-bag (Elite Daily)
What are you reading?
Newbies Learn Ropes About Higher Rates From Old Hands
Source: WSJ
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