10 Tuesday PM Reads

My afternoon train-reading:

• US investment case remains compelling (FT) but see Will the bull market in U.S. stocks last? (Financial Post)
• CNN Poll: Support for legal marijuana soaring (CNN)
• 200 Years of American Financial Crises (Economix) but see Study Suggests Recovery in U.S. Is Relatively Vital (NY Times)
• Goldman to JPMorgan Say Sell Emerging Markets After Slide (Bloomberg)
• We No Longer Have a Pension Crisis (Sort of) (Motley Fool)
• Enlarging the House of Representatives (Economix)
• The Real Belfort Story Missing From ‘Wolf’ Movie (DealBook)
• Another Phony Obamacare Victim Story (Prospect) see also The Myth of Health Care’s Free Market (Newsweeksee also Good news! Health spending as a share of the economy is shrinking. (Washington Post)
• Chromebooks and the Cost of Complexity (stratēchery)
• ‘Highly significant’ heatwave smashes Australian records (Sydney Morning Heraldsee also Australia Would Like to Shove Your Climate Change Denial Up Your Ignorant Arse (Rude Pundit)

What are you reading?


U.S. Bank Stocks Regain Their Allure

Source: WSJ

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