What the Heroes of Blogging Have Accomplished

Last week, Noah penned a very interesting post, titled “Heroes of Blogging” (he includes a few kind words about your humble author). The temptation is to create one’s own list of blogging heroes, but instead I want to focus your attention on the impact of the entire financial blog format — on markets, investing and financial journalism. In my biased and not-so-humble opinion, the world of finance blogs has grown into having a surprisingly large impact on modern finance.

How? Consider what factors it has wrought. Blogging:

1. Loosened the grip of traditional players on information and news: Go back in time a decade or so, and we all got our financial news from only a handful of sources. The mainstream papers and magazines dutifully reported what companies said, government agencies reported and what markets did. Blogging has added a level of skepticism to the media diet. There is a willingness to call out nonsense that quite bluntly, deserves to be called nonsense. Not that it didn’t happen before bloggers were willing to do it — but it happens much more quickly and with more depth than pre-blogging days.

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