10 President’s Day Reads

President’s day reading (while in a British commonwealth:)

• What I Learned From Ray Dalio (Morningstar)
• An About-Face for the Stock Market’s 5-Year Return (NYT)
• China Record Credit Growth Boosts Outlook for Economy (Bloomberg) but see Don’t blame squids, blame China (FT Alphaville)
• ‘Young Money’: How Wall Street Turns its Pups into Wolves (Fiscal Times)
• The Crushingly Expensive Mistake Killing Your Retirement (The Atlantic)
• What Americans Don’t Know About Science (The Atlantic)
• Information asymmetry, bad incentives and Taibbi (FT Alphaville)
• Harvard Professor Attacking Google Thrives as Web Sheriff (Bloomberg) see also The Plus in Google Plus? It’s Mostly for Google (NY Times)
• Microsoft v Microsoft (stratēchery)
• The front-group impresario (Columbia Journalism Review) see also Fight Over Minimum Wage Illustrates Web of Industry Ties (NY Times)

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