10 Sunday AM Reads

Some Sunday morning reads to round out your weekend:

• Upside: Why Market Forecasts Are So Bad (WSJ)
• Bonds as the Ballast (Morningstar) see also Investors swap out of U.S. stock funds and into bonds at fastest clip on record (WSJ)
• Silicon Valley Can’t Stop Shit-Talking Itself on This New App (Valley Wag)
• Ten Lessons From a Hot Market (WSJ)
• Bogle on Having Enough, but Hungry for More (NY Times)
• Why Walking through a Doorway Makes You Forget (Scientific American) see also An Antidote for Mindlessness (Elements)
• Jon Stewart will save us! The future of healthcare may rest with “The Daily Show” (Salon)
• ‘Job-lock’ and the Republican dilemma over Obamacare (LA Times) see also Fact Check: Anti-Obamacare chorus is off key (Washington Post)
• Congrats, Millennials. Now It’s Your Turn to Be Vilified (Wired)
• What’s the most bullshit-sounding-but-true fact you know? (Reddit)

What’s up?


Turnabout on Global Outlook Darkens Investor Mood

Source: WSJ


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