10 Tuesday PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Hedge-Fund Genius Isn’t Really Sold on Hedge Funds (Bloomberg View)
• The Best Investment Strategy? Getting Out of Our Own Way (NY Times) see also Our next big crisis will be a retirement crisis (MarketWatch)
Gross: The Second Coming (Pimco)
• How I learned to stop worrying and love the Russian invasion (Humble Student of the Markets)
• Part-time problems (FT Alphaville)
• A new consensus on the future of news (Columbia Journalism Review)
• How big a mess is Ryan’s report on poverty? Scholars say: Very big. (LA Times) but see Democrats’ lead on issues isn’t translating to midterms (Washington Post)
• Bitcoin: The Cryptopolitics of Cryptocurrencies (Harvard Press)
• Who Killed the Romantic Comedy? (LA Weekly)
• NASA scientists discover 715 new planets; four alien worlds have potential for life. (WSJ)

What are you reading?


Source: Cagle Cartoons


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