10 MidWeek PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Russia Bond Sales Fail on Ukraine Tension (Bloomberg)
• Valuing the S&P 500 Dividend Yield (Avondale Asset Management)
• A Short Introduction to Investing (in 400 words) (Above the Market)
• Large Caps Are Cheaper Than Small and MidCaps (Dr. Ed’s Blog)
• No, the SEC Didn’t Collude With Goldman Sachs on CDOs (Bloomberg View)
• The Banks and Austerity: a simple story of the last ten years (Mainly Macro)
• The single biggest cause of government data breaches is “oops” (Quartz)
• A more equal society will not hinder growth (FT) see also How Progressive is the U.S. Federal Tax System? A Historical and International Perspective (Berkeley)
• Spanish judge disbarred for pursuing a banking corruption case (Al Jazeera America)
• Why Apple Is Like a Movie Studio (Re/Code)

What are you reading?


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