10 Thursday PM Reads

A bit of reading to occupy yourself on the train:

• High-Frequency Trades Are ‘Intense Focus’ of SEC (Bloomberg)
• The Buys You Can’t Make Yourself (Reformed Broker)
• U.S. Bank Repossessions Down 5 Percent in March, Lowest Since 2007 (World Property Channel)
• Pimco’s Bill Gross Picks Up the Pieces (Businessweek)
• 10 reasons millennials are screwed (Salon)
• The princeling of private equity (Reuters)
• Heartbleed: How and Why to Change Your Passwords Today (Personal Technology) see also Q. and A. on Heartbleed: A Flaw Missed by the Masses (Bits)
• The big environmental problem highlighted by the search for Flight 370 (WonkBlog)
• Prominent Jesuit: Pope Francis’s first major issuance ‘almost a direct refutation’ of the GOP (The Raw Story) see also Pope Francis rips capitalism and trickle-down economics to shreds in new policy statement (The Raw Story)
• Message in bottle arrives after 101 years (The Guardian)

What’s up?


Nasdaq Breaks to the Downside

Source: Chart of the Day



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